VOLVO+ Development Story (8), A-SS function definition

After completing the remote tailgate control function, then I wanted to develop auto start-stop (A-SS) default-off feature. I would like to discuss this feature first

Many people don't like A-SS it drained more battery power undoubtedly, used starting motor more times. Many people stopped the feature as engine on. I like this feature really, especially some traffic light with 90 seconds. However, as queuing to turn left/right, the A-SS start latency was sometimes quite annoying

I consulted many people, roughly 3 views to this feature
  1. Always enable A-SS
  2. Always disable A-SS
  3. Default A-SS off, and enable A-SS on-demand
The Russia developer's product remember the A-SS state as engine off, and remains the status in the next engine start. The logic is fine to the 1st/2nd, but not good for the 3rd one: I shall *remember* to disable A-SS before engine off, which adds more burden

Finally, I defined A-SS OFF feature by default. Car owner doesn't remember any rule. As I recalled this, the conclusion is quite simple, but it takes time to get the result


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